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Simone Wilding
Chief Planner, Head of Planning Services


Simone joined Bristol City Council as Chief Planner in May 2023 where she has been working with her teams in rebuilding the service focused on timely and robust decision-making and great place-shaping. Key milestones have been the publication of the emerging Local Plan in November 2023 and progressively churning through a large backlog of applications. Simone is a chartered town planner with some 25 years’ experience and has been working across a wide range of planning areas. Delivering sustainable and healthy environments for thriving, inclusive communities is what has motivated her throughout her career. Before moving to Bristol City Council Simone was the Head of Operations at the Planning Inspectorate for all of the Inspectorate’s major casework including National infrastructure, Local Plans, planning inquiries and major specialist casework. 
Simone started her career as a planning consultant in the private sector and joined the South West Regional Development Agency in 2000 where she worked on a wide range of projects including regeneration schemes and initiatives to accelerate investment and sustainable growth. Subsequently she worked as a Senior Planning Manager for the Government Office South West on shaping and implementing national planning policy in the South West with a particular focus on Dorset and Somerset. 

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